About Us
Pride48 is a home for the LGBT podcasting community. LGBT and LGBT-friendly podcasters and listeners come together in community via our chatroom, website, podcasts, and annual events. We also offer help and resources for podcasters, and we advocate and promote podcasting by and for the LGBT community.
Free Resources
The Pride48 IceCast streaming server and IRC-based chatroom are available for any member of the Pride48 community to use freely. As the streaming server is a finite resource, access is granted based on a priority system: Pride48 events take priority, then scheduled shows, and finally, on-demand requests. We ask only two things from members using the streaming server: please do not play copyrighted music, and please do not disrespectfull to the Pride48 community.
Vibrant Community
Podcasts that are part of Pride48 participate in many of the same events. We do not view podcasting as a competitive medium —rather we try to support and learn from one another. Not only will you find a lot of the same listeners in the chatrooms during live broadcasts, but you will also find other podcasters there. Our two annual live-streaming events bring our podcasters and listeners together for our Pride event in June and our Las Vegas convention in September.
Podcast Advocacy
We believe that all voices in the LGBT community should have the opportunity to be heard. We help new podcasters with technical issues and offer them advice on podcasting equipment and services. Soon, our YouTube channel will host tutorials on podcasting tricks and techniques, as well as reviews of different podcasting equipment. As we expand, we plan to offer low-cost podcast hosting services to our members.
Pride48 started when cofounders Daniel Brewer and Adam Burns became friends and both started streaming their individual podcasts live. Each of them had their own streaming service and were paying seperately to stream to their audiences. One night while having a late night chat, they decided to combine forces and use one stream.
Adam had always wanted to start an online talk radio station and Daniel wanted more podcasts to start live streaming and have better interaction with the LGBT podcasting community and their audience. During this conversation, Adam and Daniel decided to start Pride48.
Live Expo
After the first 2 years of the at home event, it was decided by the organizers that they thought it would be fun to have an in person event. Everyone got together and decided that Las Vegas would be the perfect place to house podcasters and listeners from all over the world for the first event.
The first event was held at the Luxor hotel in August of 2011. The event was organized by a committee of “suits” who would latter go on to organize many other events. That first event, even though a bit rough went off really well. We had over 40 participants and we broadcasted from an old banquet room on a top floor of the Luxor. We joked, the only payment we had to make was to keep the light on at the top of the pyramid and latter deemed it the “Old Abandoned Studio.”
Over the years, we’ve always had this event in Vegas and have grown in numbers to over 100 participants. We’ve always had a great host in Luxor/Excalibur hotels. The events included a weekend of broadcasting live along with lots of fun events around the strip. The first year included at home streaming as well, but we later decided to limit at home streaming to the seperate events.
We’ve had too many voluteers to name over the years, but these events wouldn’t have happened without the dedication of our “suits.” A big thank you goes out to Joey Buchecker for his leadership in organizing great in person events. Along with Joey, other dedicated suits members have been Lurry Dean, Big Fatty, Nessa, Arthur (Amerinz), and Donna Suggarz. There are so many other dedicated community members who put in their blood sweat and tears that we can’t mention them all here…but we are forever greatful for each and every one of the community members.
We have now moved the Expo to New Orleans and are LOVING it!! We continue to find new ways to make the event special for each and every attendee.
The Future
Going forward we would love to expand the community even further, and continue the live at-home events as well as the in person events. We are making constant changes to the website and technologies used to stream and podcast. We also want to continue to foster that feeling of family that we all experience.
The overall goal going into the future is to continue to expand our podcasting family while having as much fun as possible.